Preliminary Program


Congress Time-table

Time UTC+3 = Moscow time - Program link   - Poster session (forum) link    
Sep.13, 2020 15:00 Opening ceremony
Sep.14, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Acad. Gennady Mesyats
Sep.15, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Prof. Andrej Kuznetsov
Sep.16, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Dr. Sergey Gortschakow
Sep.17, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Prof. Alexander Rogachev
Sep.18, 2020 9:00
13:00 Virtual excursion
Sep.21, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Prof. Yakov Krasik
Sep.22, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Dr. Massimiliano Bestetti
Sep.23, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Acad. Eugene Kotomin
Sep.24, 2020 9:00
13:00 Plenary Lecture: Prof. Holger Kersten
Sep.25, 2020 9:00
13:00 Closing ceremony
Symposium on High Current Electronics

S1 - Intense electron and ion beams
S2 - Pinches, plasma focus and capillary discharge
S3 - High power microwaves
S4 - Pulsed power technology
S5 - Pulsed power applications
S6 - Discharges with runaway electrons
S7 - Numerical simulation in high current electronics

Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows

C1 - Beam and plasma sources
C2 - Fundamentals of modification processes
C3 - Modification of material properties
C4 - Coatings deposition
C5 - Nanoscience and nanotechnology

Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter

R1 - Luminescence: processes, luminescence centers, scintillators and luminophores, application
R2 - Non-linear physicochemical processes under severe energetic impact: breakdown, facture, explosion, etc.
R3 - Physical principles of radiation and photonic technologies
R4 - Radiation defects: structure, formation, properties
R5 - Methods, instruments and equipment for physicochemical studies

Conference on New Materials and High Technologies

N1 - Nonisothermal methods for materials synthesis
N2 - Combustion waves: theory and experiment
N3 - Functional materials and coatings
N4 - Carbon materials in electronics and photonics