Generation of anode plasma in the drift space of electron beam in the plasma electron source with greed boundary stabilization
Pavel Moskvin, Vladimir Devyatkov, Ilya Lopatin, Sergey Kovalsky, Maksim Vorobyev
HCEI SB RAS, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Pavel Moskvin
2020-09-16 15:57
Dear Colleagues! In my presentation I tried to add text to make it easier to perceive. Please ask your questions.
V.T. Astrelin
2020-09-16 15:57
Dear Pavel, what can you say about radial distribution of pure discharge plasma (without electron beam)?
Pavel Moskvin
2020-09-16 15:57
V.T. Astrelin 2020-09-14 14:45
Dear Pavel, what can you say about radial distribution of pure discharge plasma (without electron beam)?
Thanks for the question. Separate studies were carried out when the plasma cathode was not turned on. However, the accelerating voltage was present; therefore, it cannot be said that the beam was completely absent. Secondary emission created a beam from the emission grid. It is from the distribution of the energy density of this beam that the distribution of the plasma concentration from the anode discharge near the emission grid can be estimated. And, unfortunately, it is significantly heterogeneous. It has a pronounced maximum on the axis. At 15kV in the center and at a diameter of 8mm, the energy density differs by 1.6 times, at 17kV by almost 3 times, and at 20kV by only 10%.
V.T. Astrelin
2020-09-16 15:57
OK, thank you.