Instructions for speaker on the

Valery Shklyaev,
IHCE SB RAS, Tomsk, Russian Federation

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Valery Shklyaev 2020-09-16 15:57
Dear colleagues, if you have any questions about the oral sessions format, you can ask them here.
Kristiaan Temst 2020-09-16 15:57
Dear colleague Shklyaev
I looked at the video with the instructions for oral presentations, but unfortunately my knowledge of Russian is not good enough to follow the instructions, so I decided to upload a pdf version of my presentation. I can also provide a PowerPoint version of my presentation which includes the sound of my presentation so that the entire talk can be viewed and listened to.

I regret that we cannot meet in Tomsk for the occasion of this interesting conference and I hope there will be an opportunity in the future!

With kind regards and spasiba!

Prof. Kristiaan Temst
University of Leuven, Belgium

Dmitriy Genin 2020-09-16 15:57
Dear Kristiaan!
Please, don't worry! On the 3rd and 4th of September we will organize webinars for English-speaking participants of our Congress, where we are going to explain all the technical features. We will inform you about it by e-mail. There is no need to make Power Point version of your presentation.

Kristiaan Temst 2020-09-16 15:57
Dear Dmitriy!
Many thanks for the clear seminar! Now I looked into the overview timetable and I see that session C3 is planned for 22 September, but when you click it to see the detailed list of presentations, you can see that C3 is mentioned for 21 September! So the information on the two places is not the same. I have reserved 21 September for my presentation, but 22 September is much more difficult because we have to do extra teaching due to the COVID19 measures. Can you please verify which is the correct date?
Many thanks and kind regards

Elena Koryukina 2020-09-16 15:57
Добрый день,
у меня постер, презентацию я загрузила, доклад 15 сентября. Насколько я поняла, вопросы-ответы, касающиеся моего доклада, будут задаваться на платформе Чтобы попасть на на вебинар, необходимо письмо-приглашение Оргкомитета с идентификационными данными вебинара. Будет ли Оргкомитет рассылать эти приглашения участникам конгресса, и, если будет, то когда?
С уважением
Е.В. Корюкина

Valery Shklyaev 2020-09-16 15:57
Обсуждение стендовых докладов будет проходить здесь на форуме на сайте Конгресса
P.s. желательно на английском языке

Dmitry Smovzh 2020-09-16 15:57
Dear Valery, I cant find on the website the time rules of speech, how many minutes are given for the presentation and maybe there are planed pauses between reports? I understand that the presentation has already been uploaded, but I would still like to know :))
Valery Shklyaev 2020-09-16 15:57
Invited speech are 30 minutes long with questions (25 + 5)
Oral speech lasts 20 minutes long with questions (15 + 5)

Daniil Emlin 2020-09-16 15:57
Good day. I don`t see the time on and time-table of our conferences...
Valery Shklyaev 2020-09-16 15:57
The schedule of oral sessions and plenary lectures is on the index page of the site.
Preliminary program with an additional schedule can be found at (behind conference logos)

Evgeniy Yakovlev 2020-09-16 15:57
Евгений Яковлев
Добрый День. Когда появятся на сайте конференции презентации стендовых докладов: Точно по расписанию или раньше, например, сегодня.
С уважением. Е. Яковлев

Valery Shklyaev 2020-09-16 15:57
Все присланные презентации уже на сайте. Можно знакомиться и обсуждать.
Убедительная просьба, вести обсуждение на форуме на сайте Конгресса на английском языке.